
V 098

Moskva 1 Marta 31 g. Vy dolžno byt' slyšali... (Moscow, 1 March 1931. You have certainly heard ...)
Handwritten letter of a poetic nature to a certain Comrade Solev, in which Vertov refutes the addressee’s accusations of cacophony in his film "Ėntuziazm": everything that does not sound harmonious, i.e. like 'do-re-mi-fa-sol' (a phrase that occurs in many of this statements) is judged by the critics to be cacophonous.
Classification: Handwritten Diagram or Document
Type: Correspondence
Date: 1931, 1. März
Tapematerial: Paper with Handwriting
Original / Reproduction: Original
Comments: A very interesting document, presumably as yet unpublished and untranslated. If the date is correct, then it relates to the period when Vertov’s publishing activity was on the increase, because he had to wait for a ling time for the premiere of his film in Moscow. Maybe written in 1935 (according to Aleksandr Derjabin).

Linked with the following movies:

Ėntuziazm (Simfonija Donbassa)
(Enthusiasmus (Donbass-Sinfonie) / Enthusiasm (Symphony of the Donbas))