
V 099

Sejčas uže mnogo let... [O radio-glaze] (Many years have now passed ... [on Radio-Eye])
Typescript of a lecture (?) given by Vertov on "Radio-Glaz" ("Radio-Eye").
Classification: Manuscript/Typescript
Type: Article
Other publications:
Publikation des 2. Teils in Taylor/Christie: "The Film Factory".
Date: 1930 oder 1931 (?)
Tapematerial: Paper with Typewriting
Original / Reproduction: Original
Comments: Evidently a previous unpublished text about the significance of Radio-Glaz and about Vertov's experience with sound recording from "Ėntuziazm". A correction on the date from 1930 to 1931, undertaken by an unknown hand, is probably incorrect, since in the text it is written, that the results "will soon become apparent in the film Donbass Symphony". The film, which was premiered on 1 November 1930, had therefore not yet been completed at the time when the lecture was given and does not yet bear its final title of "Ėntuziazm". This copy was made by Drobašenko.

Linked with the following movies:

Ėntuziazm (Simfonija Donbassa)
(Enthusiasmus (Donbass-Sinfonie) / Enthusiasm (Symphony of the Donbas))