
V 148

Kino-Korrespondent, 1-j vypusk (1. Ausgabe)
Script for the eponymous film, which shows how faithful Vertov still remained to the subject of the "Man with a Movie Camera" even after many years. He plans to shoot in a film studio and to demonstrate the work of a "cinema correspondent", yet combining the self-reflexive topoi with scenes from the war front. In principal, the film (which was never realised) would have drawn on three different material sources: 1) material from the 'Filmoteque', i.e. existent footage; 2) new material; 3) footage shot at the fromt. The cinematographer for the project was to be Surenskij, the editor Svilova. Since versions of the script in RGALI are dated 11 July 1941, it might be that this is a first version.
Classification: Manuscript/Typescript
Type: Treatment
Other publications:
Auf russisch in: Iz nasledija, Tom 1, S. 355.
Date: 1941, 11. Juli
Tapematerial: Paper with Typewriting
Original / Reproduction: Original